So, i've decided i want to buy a new 3d printer. As a bit of background information: this will not be my first printer.
I got the 3d-virus from a a friend of mine: Kenny. He owns a Prusa I3. sweet little machine. I was hooked immediately and wanted a printer of my own.
At that time my eye fell upon the highly successfull kickstarter campaign of the M3D micro 3d printer. It was very affordable, promised great things, and looked like a machine that even i, as a newbie, could get to work.
Since i was to late for the kickstarter campaign, i preordered one in June 2014. Promised delivery february 2015. Real delivery: May 2015.
I had great fun with this machine, but boy... you need to have patience. Even for its small build volume, more complex prints could take up to 50-60 hours if you wanted good, consistent quality.
I like my micro.... but i started to get hungry for more. More speed, more space, more power, more height....
When my micro had its third mechanical failure which required me to get spare parts directly from the supplier (which was cheap and pretty fast, but kind of annoying that they are the only supplier for these parts) i decided it was time to upgrade to a new printer.
After doing some research i decided to go for a Kossel printer. The delta style alone is just awesome, but a couple f more things made me decide to go for this model:
- Precision. Delta style printers are known for their precision
- Low parts count
- Speed. a GOOD delta should be capable of achieving high speeds.
- Price. A Kossel kit isn't too expensive.
Since i'm in a tight budget (wife limited), I bought a full kit from ebay from Sintron. It's way too cheap to be high quality, but that's OK with me. I plan to upgrade this printer along the way with higher quality parts when needed.
In this blog i will keep you all updated with my quest to build my first reprap printer. And show some of my work on the micro.
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